Tuesday, March 22, 2011

US Soldiers Killed Three Afghan Civilians

Der Spiegel published these photos that showed a "Kill Team" murdering innocent Afghans and then posing with their bodies.

US Soldiers Killed Three Afghan Civilians

This image shows the body of Gul Mudin, the son of a farmer, who was killed on Jan. 15, 2010. A member of the "kill team" is posing behind him. SPIEGEL published just three photos out of the some 4,000 images and videos it has seen. Court martial proceedings against the soldiers involved in the killings are to begin soon.

US Soldiers Killed Three Afghan Civilians

In this image, a different soldier poses with the same corpse. The US Army on Monday apologized for the behavior of the soldiers involved in the "kill team."

US Soldiers Killed Three Afghan Civilians

Court martial proceedings are currently being prepared against 12 suspects. This photo of two dead men comes from the collection of one of the suspects.

Correction: The incident depicted in this image is not part of the court martial proceedings against members of the "kill team". It does nevertheless come from the collection of one of the suspects.

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